How are Gen Alpha Mindsets Influencing Play Trends for 2025?

Bertelli Foto Grafia for Pexels

The influence of multi-generational living is coming to the fore.  Gen Z caregivers and grandparents are joining forces to teach children the importance of creativity and curiosity. Inclusion becomes a key driver, championing the advantages of neurodivergent minds, new family dynamics and an empathy for people and planet.  


This means brands will need to cater to Gen Alpha trends and mindsets on a hyper-personalised level, creating products and services that embody authenticity, cultural awareness and individuality beyond the stereotypes.  

Gen Alpha, born between 2010 and 2025, is set to number almost 2 billion by 2025. Despite being the youngest generation, their culturally diverse and hyper-digital nature is already shaping trends, creating new markets and placing them as the highly influential decision-makers of the household. 

Our Premium subscription service My TrendBible, details in depth design direction for play and learn categories across everything from narrative to toys and games. 

Here, we outline 3 trends taken from a selection of our Trend Application reports for 2025 which respond to Gen Alpha mindsets. 

1. New Age Fairy Tales 

Brenda Bossato, Silvia Amedei

Our Baby & Kids Character – Trend Application: A/W 2025/26 report explores characters which toe the line between good and evil. Storytelling combats the sterilised and overly simplified morals typical of fairytale narratives. From child-centric protagonists searching for magic and wonder, to contemporary interpretations of medieval knights and battlement scenes, the characters and casts within this trend evoke darker and more gothic tales. Play with graphic battle-style adornment to decorate armour, castle dwellings and garden explorers for a modern medieval twist or utilise an illustrative style to soften the typically “bad” character personas.  

2. Make and Mend 

Team Repair

Toys, games and crafts that help foster sustainable mindsets and nurture STEM interests continues to fuel innovation across a number of play categories. Our Play Moments: The Prototypers Autumn Winter 2025/26 report explores ‘make and mend’ as a key focus, encouraging explorative and hands-on activities that promote a ‘learn by doing’ approach. A focus on the process rather than the outcome inspires practical, interactive and education play opportunities. From learning how to diagnose faults, assembling scrap materials or repairing and building curious creations, play that amplifies a prototyper mentality amongst children is key. 

3. Playing House

Bearded Fellas, Lorena Canals

Our Play Moments: Offbeat Avenue S/S 2025 explores an appreciation of the often-overlooked signifiers of the home. This not only provides new play and learning opportunities but also helps children foster a deep appreciation for the diverse and cherished elements that make a house a home. Marvellously mundane moments, household vessels and everyday chores provide opportunities for creative roleplay and overall design direction whilst the home itself inspires colourful paper craftsUsing doll play, character and narrative, there’s a big opportunity here to celebrate new family dynamics and the vast personalities, perspectives and people within multigenerational homes. 

What does the future of play mean for Gen Alpha? 

Gain design direction for play and learn categories for Generation Alpha. Our trend application reports available on our trend subscription platform help you align your brand with the post-stereotype generation. These reports are available now on My TrendBible Premium.

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