How trend forecasting can help you make a case for change

Does this sound familiar? Your company isn’t competing effectively, your competitors always seem to get there before you. Perhaps you work in insights, and you have repeatedly been informing the business about forthcoming change and you’ve seen no uptake. Or perhaps you’re a designer and your directional designs aren’t making it past sign off.
It’s our philosophy that trends can be used to differentiate
We’re moving out of a ‘one size fits all’ approach for brands and retail and towards a time when having a well differentiated offer and standing for something really matters. Being original has never mattered more, but how do trends help you walk that fine line between inspiration and commercial viability?
Over the years, we’ve got to see inside hundreds of companies and understand their relationship with trends. Some companies are new to trend forecasting and have never done it before, and others have really strong trend foresight practices embedded and a track record of using trends to drive commercial success.
It’s very common that companies have departments and individuals who care about trends but that trends aren’t widely used or understood throughout the business. There’s always a mixture of trend enthusiasts and trend skeptics. So how do you get everyone on board to drive change?
Introducing our new masterclass series: Making a case for change
“When we built our new trend platform – My TrendBible – it was really important to me to make sure we had a space where professionals could come for coaching and guidance on how to use trends and how to bring them alive in the businesses they work in. So our first trend forecasting masterclass series is all about making a case for change so that you can drive your initiatives through the business, get personal recognition for your ideas and help the business succeed, no matter what level you’re at.”
Joanna Feeley, CEO and Founder, TrendBible
What does the masterclass series include?
Module 1– Building belief in TRENDS
- Session 1: Proving that change happens
- Session 2: Developing a programme for change
- Session 3: How to measure your impact
Module 2 – Building belief in YOU
- Session 4: Your role as an ambassador for change
- Session 5: Building a culture of curiosity
- Session 6: Hosting good quality conversations
Module 3 – Inspiring and influencing others
- Session 7: Identifying and understanding your stakeholders
- Session 8: Making your case for change
What will our masterclass series help you achieve?
You’ll begin to lay the foundations for becoming the go-to person inside your business when it comes to trends. Aside from knowing WHAT the trends are, you’ll know HOW to get the best from your team to apply them.
Our new trend forecasting masterclass series is now available and exclusive to our Premium members of our new trend platform – My TrendBible. Click here for more information and try our free membership by registering below.