Kind + Jugend 2021: Future trends influencing the next generation

Preparations for the restart edition of Kind + Jugend 2021, the leading international trade fair for baby and toddler products, are now well underway. With 180 companies from 20 countries exhibiting in Koelnmesse, Cologne, Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse, says “The restart marks the beginning we are all waiting for. Thanks to our #B-SAFE4business hygiene and safety concept, in accordance with the current coronavirus protection ordinance, the focused event of 2021 is an example of how trade fairs can look and function.”
Our Senior Editor, Jenna Galley, will be presenting twice at the Kind + Jugend 2021 Trend Forum this year and will be exploring the major shifts in attitude and lifestyle for parents, children and babies in the next 12-18 months.
Counting down to Kind + Jugend 2021, Jenna discusses how family life begins to look very different emerging from the shockwaves of the pandemic as consumers grapple with the far reaching social and economic impacts into 2022 and beyond.
What lifestyle shifts caused by the pandemic are you observing in new parents and parents to be?
The pandemic has amplified the emotional and physical strains felt by mothers trying to balance motherhood, a career and household management. The added strains of the pandemic meant mothers were, and in many cases still are, spending 71 unpaid hours a week on ‘invisible labour’. For single mothers and minority groups, the number is even higher. This has become a catalyst, empowering parents over the past year to vocalise their frustrations and challenge outdated legislation. There’s a growing demand from parents for brands to not only showcase the stark reality of motherhood, but to also amplify their voices and support them in their quest for change.
How are manufacturers of baby and toddler products responding to the challenges of the pandemic in order to stay relevant?
Health and safety rapidly became the first priority and for many hyper-aware parents this attitude will stick post pandemic. In response, innovative brands and designers are rethinking the surfaces we encounter and developing pandemic-proof products designed to safeguard against germs and infection. Products that offer solutions to help families regain control and feel prepared against new and emerging risks are the ones that are resonating.
What will family life be like in 10 years from now?
In 10 years time, Gen Z will make up a larger proportion of parents and their attitudes, behaviours and values are set to significantly change the state of parenthood and family life. Expect to see an even greater demand for brands to act against critical issues such as sustainability, equality and representation. Gen Z and Gen Alpha are digital natives and I expect this will also significantly impact family life, education and entertainment over the next 10 years.
Jenna’s presentations at Kind + Jugend 2021 takes place on 9th and 10th September at 11:30 am CET at the Trend Forum. In part 1 we’ll look ahead to the major shifts in attitude and lifestyle for parents, children and babies in 2022. In part 2 we’ll demonstrate how to confidently bring these macro trends alive in your business with design translation across shape, colour, material and pattern for the next 12-18 months. Both presentations will also be made available on demand following the show. For more information and to register visit