Out now: Baby & Kids Autumn Winter 2025/26 Trends

Delve into the rise of emotion-evoking experiences for kids and caregivers in 2025/26.
Our seasonal trend forecasts explore the implications for storytelling, product development, and play experiences with direction across colour, material, print and pattern.
Our Baby & Kids Autumn Winter 2025/26 trend forecast is available to buy now.
Get ready for Autumn Winter 2025/26.
Fostering deeper levels of connection remains high on the agenda for families looking to boost their physical and mental well-being. From experiencing the wonders of nature to building communities through open-source knowledge and systems, children are immersed in activities that fuel joy and appreciation of the people and planet.
Caregivers fall into two distinct categories this season, the adventurers; who encourage children to experience and explore freely, embracing the rapidly advancing tools and technologies they have at their disposal, and the safety seekers; who cocoon and protect, in a bid to restore a slower, steadier pace of growing up. This divide is demonstrated in the presence of trends which cross the line between analogue and digital, held together by a focus on cultivating innovation and creativity in young minds.
What’s included in the Baby & Kids trend forecast?
- 4 inspiring trends for the Baby & Kids industry: Complete with their backstory to help you understand their commercial relevance.
- 8 PANTONE® TCX colours and solid coated references per trend: Beautifully curated and carefully considered colour palettes.
- Quality photographs of real material swatches: Sample contact details are provided for ordering.
- 20 original royalty-free prints: Available in vector format to download and edit.
- Downloadable content library: Instant access to the image library (credited to copyright), a digital colour palette and our royalty-free prints.
- Trend Editor walk-through videos: Watch on demand and get deeper insights and more inspiration in our Trend Editor walkthrough videos.
Our trend forecasts are a valuable forecasting tool for those working in the Baby & Kids industry. Detailing the broader lifestyle context, through to colour and design inspiration, our Baby & Kids Autumn Winter 2025/26 trend forecast will guide you through the season and help you to develop commercially successful products and relevant messaging.